Common Core Standards ELA
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
California Journeys © 2017
(Phonics/Spelling/Literature/Language Arts)
Link for listening to the stories in the Anthology: Journeys Audio (Links to an external site.)
Unit 1: Neighborhood Visit
Lesson 1: TOPIC: Animal Traits. (Henry and Mudge)
Lesson 2: TOPIC: Family Time. (My Family)
Lesson 3: TOPIC: Animal Traits. (Dogs)
Lesson 4: TOPIC: Getting Along with Others. (Diary of a Spider)
Lesson 5: TOPIC: Places Around Town. (Teacher's Pets)
Unit 2: Nature Watch
Lesson 6: TOPIC: Animal Homes. (Animals Building Homes)
Lesson 7: TOPIC: Agriculture. (The Ugly Vegetables)
Lesson 8: TOPIC: Weather. (Super Storms)
Lesson 9: TOPIC: Traditional Tales. (How Chipmunk Got His Stripes)
Lesson 10: TOPIC: Ocean Life. (Jellies: The Life of Jellyfish)
Unit 3: Tell Me About It!
Lesson 11: TOPIC: Animal and Human Interactions. (Click, Clack, Moo)
Lesson 12: TOPIC: Music. (Ah, Music!)
Lesson 13: TOPIC: School Differences. (Schools Around the World)
Lesson 14: TOPIC: Special Ways to Communicate. (Helen Keller)
Lesson 15: TOPIC: Personal Safety. (Officer Buckle and Gloria)
Unit 4: Heroes and Helpers
Lesson 16: TOPIC: Helping Others. (Mr. Tanen's Tie Trouble)
Lesson 17: TOPIC: Never Give Up. (Luke Goes to Bat)
Lesson 18: TOPIC: Reading and Writing. (My Name is Gabriela)
Lesson 19: TOPIC: Signs. (The Signmaker's Assistant)
Lesson 20: TOPIC: What Heroes Do. (Dex: The Heart of a Hero)
Unit 5: Changes, Changes Everywhere
Lesson 21: TOPIC: Animal Development. (Penguin Chick)
Lesson 22: TOPIC: Following Directions. (Gloria Who Might Be My Best Friend)
Lesson 23: TOPIC: Visual Arts. (The Goat in the Rug)
Lesson 24: TOPIC: Traditional Stories. (Half-Chicken)
Lesson 25: TOPIC: Life Cycles (plant life). (From Seed to Plant)
Unit 6: What a Surprise!
Lesson 26: TOPIC: Life Cycles (frogs). (The Mysterious Tadpole)
Lesson 27: TOPIC: Fossils. (The Dog That Dug for Dinosaurs)
Lesson 28: TOPIC: Traditional Stories (fairytales). (Yeh-Shen)
Lesson 29: TOPIC: Traditional Stories (folktales). (Two of Everything)
Lesson 30: TOPIC: Historical Figures and Documents. (Now and Ben)